Friday, May 6, 2011

Get Real With God

Thinking around John 6:25-34,

We say, "Jesus, feed us!" - Jesus tells us to change our diet! v25-27

We say, "Jesus, tell us what works!" - Jesus says, "I work, you must believe!" v28-29

We say, "Jesus, give us more!" - Jesus says, "I am all there is....." v30-34


Rules are always so much easier for our legalistic minds to wrap themselves around!  If I can just DO 'X', then I am guaranteed salvation and blessings.  But, when 'X' is an unseeable, unprovable target - well that guarantee just got a little harder to capture!

And when you compare organized 'religions' to Christianity that is what you find - a whole lot of Do's and Don'ts!  Heavens!  No wonder so many flee from 'christianity' when they get hit with a ton of what you can and can not do!  And, yes, in my book religions like the Southern Baptists are excellent examples of what Christianity is not.  That does not mean that you can not be a Christian and a Southern Baptist (for example) - it just means you are going to have a harder time being a GOOD Southern Baptist and a Christian at the same time.....