Monday, May 2, 2011

As A.....

As a Hutterite it is so very hard to bite my tongue amongst the rejoicing of those around me.  A man, heavens! several died for what they believed in - albeit - without Jesus as their savior.  So, their souls joins the multitude, including my father, whom faced life by their own rules.  Honestly, it saddens me to know this.

Yet, they set their face against  the true God and mankind.  Whether you are a Jihadist, just plain God-less or a National Socialist (as was my father) you will be called to account for your actions.  When you pledge your loyalty to a God-less man or an ideal which sets you in judgement over those not like you, you will be held accountable.

Yes, a special man died.  Special because he took responsibility for the killing of tens of thousands over the past two decades.  He was proud of his shedding of innocent blood.

And, by man was his blood shed.

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