Friday, May 6, 2011

Almost Historical

Its 4:00 in the morning and if you are like most people, you were probably asleep.  I however had been invited to witness what was to be a historical moment - with a select group of engineers.

Well, almost historical.  Unfortunately, a computer snafu terminated the event at 7:30 in the morning.  So, after three hours of watching people go crazy......  They called off the entire event.  Now that was about a $12m blue screen of death disaster!

So we quietly left, I to my hotel for three hours of more sleep the rest to return home before me.  Now I wait, bored, poked and prodded, with a TSA stamp of approval.  Guess I am just not either a young Arab or a little girl worthy of more attention.

I am just waiting to see if another computer snafu will further complicate my life......

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