Friday, May 27, 2011

Conspiracy Theorists

One of "my boys" from decades ago is now fully into conspiracy theories!  OMG(osh)!  The stuff he comes up with!  But, I play along in hopes that some day I will be able to plant at least a seed in his life that God - not man is really in control.

Sad part is, is that he is really intelligent but that fine brain is stuck on trying to find underlying cause and effects to every situation.  When it can not be defined - then obviously you have a government conspiracy because he disallows for any higher power.  So he is forced to make the weirdest of associations in order to have events fit into a scenario.  Which of course makes him look dumber than a stump at times.....

Yes, I do believe in conspiracies, but they are the product of a war between Satan ruling over a fallen world and God calling the world back to Him.  And since I disallow the concept of "coincidence" - you must allow for planned occurrence, and yes man can really mess up any plan really well.  I am sure much to the ultimate frustration of Satan.

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