Monday, February 28, 2011

Zippers, But No Modesty

When I was a child and father was playing with ionized hydrogen, one of the scientists was this queer little guy whom loved zippers.  Even as a child I could recognize that the man was immensely intelligent and the more he thought on something, the more he would zip and unzip a spare zipper he carried in his pocket for just such moments requiring applied intelligence.

I remember him once telling me that the zipper was the most important invention ever created and to think on the brilliance it took to have thought up such a device!  Yeah and he is building the biggest bomb  ever ..... !

So this past weekend, I got suckered by my American cousin and Dutchman to drag some of my firearms to a show.  In all about seven of us had supplied enough toys to cover two eight foot tables.  (It was a horrible show, I will tell you more about that during the week!)

So, I am sitting at the table and a man walks up and starts talking to me.  His zipper is down.  I tried asking him if it thought it rather cool, did he forget to do anything recently, I see England - I see France - I see ..., etc.  He couldn't understand what I could be talking about and finally I had to tell him his zipper was down.  He turned all beet red and stomped off.

Gees, I was just trying to be nice and save him embarrassment!

Later a young couple walked up, he heavily tattooed, she a real looker.  I commented on his arm tattoos and he rolled up his short sleeves to show me the one I had pointed to.

So, he explained how the flames reaching up to the cross were just cool and how the motorcyclist popping a wheelie - while nailed to the cross - was representative of how culture has demonized the hero of the open highway.  At which point, he mentioned that the female was the one whom was doing the work.

I looked over to her and commented she was quite an artist.  She smiled.

I then asked him what the "WPR" stood for at the top of the whole design, but as my eyes turned to him, I saw her zipper was down too!  I was trying to figure out how to mention this to either him or her, when he said, "Oh, yeah, WPR stands for White Pride Rider."

I quietly bit my tongue and figured if he really was skin head, I was really not going to say a thing about the condition of his female's pants!

Anyway he bought one of DM's rifles and she took the change, promptly pulling down her shirt, popping a breast out and putting the bills inside her bra, then restoring all to how it was.

A quick look showed that neither my son nor his friend caught that one!  What was she thinking!

Ok, I have to admit to not having any response to a female whose only undergarment is a bra nor one whom would be so immodest in a crowd of men and boys!  Nor did I really have a response to someone telling me that they think my father's path in life was the correct one!

I have to imagine that like most American's, whom have not had to live under the shattered remains of the Reich, nor a father whom was a life-long dedicated Nazi, they have no idea what they are saying nor advocating.....

But this was not the weirdest experience of the weekend.....

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