Friday, February 11, 2011

Mature Christian Women Needed

With all of my children and my cars being dead I am forced to walk quite a bit and on occasion hitch-hike.  So Friday I was with my cousin in Puyallup helping with setup for the show as well as visiting with my mother, whom has done that show for 28 years.  Afterwards, I headed over to Tacoma to catch a bus that goes up highway 99, but I missed it.  Yep, time to hitch-hike again.  So, I started walking and stuck out my thumb when ever I heard a car approaching.  Eventually, one did stop, I confirmed that it was going my way and hopped in.

Ok, you need to know that when the window openned I was hit by about 80 degrees from inside the car and as it was about 30 outside - my glasses froze over instantly.  So, I was operating in the blind.  Else, I would not have violated Kris Law #1 - never be alone with a female of any age!  (Except the three I trust.....)

Once in, I whipped off my glasses to clean them as the car accelerated up to the speed limit and I knew this was going to be trouble.  The driver was a young woman dressed only in a string bikini!

I commented that it was a little cold to be so dressed and asked if she was coming from a pool.  She countered with, how did I like her body?

I asked what did she mean and she replied that she wanted to know if I thought she was too muscular or not enough, too tan or not enough, too small a bikini or too large, should she have bikini waxed or not.  I was stunned and asked what on earth was she talking about.

We were now stopped at a light and she turned to me and said, "Ok, do you like these?" At which point out pops the twins!  And she continues her questions for me, are they too large or too small, is skin pigmentation ok or need enhanced, etc.

Ok, my fiancee was a model and just as shallow as this girl was now appearing.  So, just as I had done in 1975 when my (future faithless) bride pulled that same stunt on me - I reached over, grabbed the two small triangles of materials and returned those puppies right back into captivity.

At this point Papa Plattner comes out of me for a visit and I explained to her that she does not need to use her body to attract men nor to get attention; she has a mind, a personality and a sense of humor that the guy she is looking for will see long before he ever sees her body.  (This is only a summary of a very long discourse!)  Then I shared the gospel with her, then prayed with her, asking God to please open her eyes and heart to Him, plus provide a MATURE CHRISTIAN WOMAN to help her understand all that I told her.

Her only comment was that I must be a lot older than I look and she drove me all the way I needed to go.  Albeit, she now felt very vulnerable and self conscious about her lack of clothing.....

On the one hand, I thank God it was me she picked up and not someone whom would have responded in the manner she was seeking.  On the other hand, I am sorry it was me because I need a memory erasure now.  Sigh.  (You guys know what I mean.....)

If you are a mature Christian female, I am pretty sure your town has at least one if not more just as confused 18-19 year old young women as Bridget (sp?) was Friday night.  Young women whom have been groomed by the world system, mass media, etc to understand that their physical appearance is all they have and their virginity is a disgrace.  You are desperately needed to reach out and help deflect even just one of these young women from the tragedy which awaits them.

I am sure you can find likely candidates in your church, Girl Scouts, Rainbow Girls, Campfire Girls and Job's Daughters, as well as, the local Boys and Girls Clubs.

I know this is a tough calling but no one else is going to do it.....

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