Monday, October 18, 2010

A New Creation?

So I sit here eating popcorn during my first free moment since mother's heart gave up two weeks ago.  And wishing to not hold you in suspense as to what happened following mother's bypass operation.......  Well, assuming I even have a reader left these days.

Mother's release from the hospital was complicated by attempts at balancing her sugar levels.  The meds being given where playing havoc with them.  Eventually, they were able to release her and I picked her up.

Now, in the hospital, she was walking around at day three after the operation, something they had never had happen before.  She was visiting the nurses, other recoveries, scaring small children in the incredible scar down her chest, etc.  So healthwise I was cautiously optimistic.

Second day out of the hospital, she wanted to go junking, so I took her first to one shop, then another and another, until we had five done!  So physically, although weak and having to protect her rib cage, she is doing great!

But mentally is where the most noticeably obvious change has occurred.  She has gone from an extremely horrible person to be around to someone you probably would like to be around!  I have not seen her like this since I was nine!!!!!!!!

So, I am approaching this cautiously with regards to the kids and my granbdkids.  We did a birthday party at the Old Spaghetti Factory and mom did fine, as did all of the kids.  This was the first the first time since 1998 the whole family was together ..... and I was happy about this.

I hope this trend will continue and she will continue to be a part of this family.....

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