Monday, October 25, 2010

Interesting Timing

Timing is everything they say and yesterday's sermon could not have been more on the money.  As I wrote yesterday of the very awkward day one of the young women was to suffer through, it only got more interesting during the sermon.

The sermon was on John chapter 4 and the woman at the well.  Lots of good topics to revolve around there: adultery, divorce, Jesus revealing whom He is to a woman - much less a Samaritan, etc.

But, either by "coincidence" (which I do not believe in) or by divine timing the pastor reached the topics surrounding the woman at the well and went into quite an in-depth discussion concerning marriage, divorce and adultery.  It was quite good.

I noticed from across the sanctuary that the young woman's back was sliding down the pew.....  But, she is not what this post is about, instead it is about a high school girl I met last year.

Her family broke up about six years ago, drugs and violence being at the root of the problem.  So, I have been most concerned for her, since young girls tend to seek male affirmation during their teen age year, in all of the wrong places and ways.  I tried to get her to join our class during the last school year but she had no real interest and her mother had lost any control over her.  Lots of prayer.....

I learned at the beginning of the service she is now pregnant, which really breaks my heart.  I have two daughters whom made the same poor choices as well.  Not a good way to be ending high school - as a mother.....

The young girl sat in front of me.  She had brought boyfriend with her - both looked very uncomfortable and shell shocked.  Her mother showed up and sat by them; no amount of makeup was going to hide the complete loss of color in her face.  Yeah, stress city plus!

Then the pastor hit his area of concern, I already mentioned the young woman sliding down the pew, then I noticed that the mother in front of me was starting to vibrate.  She was swinging her foot nervously making her body hop up and down.  I looked over at the daughter whom was doing the same.  Yup, pastor was really hitting some marks this morning.....

After the sermon, young girl was in the toilet throwing up, her mother is off with friends sobbing and boyfriend is very uncomfortably standing by a wall probably wishing he was in a car accident anywhere else.  And God's Spirit moved in me and I did something completely out of character - I went up to him and talked with him for a while.  I ended, with offering to get together and talk about his situation sometime.  After all, I have been there twice with my daughter's boyfriends, so hopefully I could bring some experience to his situation.  I thought the guy was going to cry.  I don't think too many have shown concern for him this past week.

Please pray for Jorge, I know virtually nothing about him yet, but my guess is he needs to see God in his life.....



Robin said...

I could just picture the squirming of the poeple in their seats during the sermon...been there.
God does have a way of breaking us down to get through to us dosent He?!

KJP said...

Yeah, I really felt for those three!

Of course, it has never happened to me ..... cough, cough, cough!