Friday, May 2, 2014


In January 2013, I went do a birthday party down in Portland, for one of "my boys" from the 1970's.  It was now his 50th and he wanted to throw a bash.  Well it was certainly odd in any event...  I probably covered all of this last year.

However, once back home, my friend sent me this link to a show called Portlandia.  Never had heard of it and it is definitely Portland culture at its best!

Anyway at 58 seconds there appears this  huge red bearded guy.  And I could not believe it!  He had been at the birthday party!  One heck of a nice guy, with a real love for his wife.  I was amazed at his devotion to her because I honestly had never seen a non-dysfunctional relationship before, between husband and wife.  It made me think ...

This was all brought back this week as I had the Comcast guy over whom had never heard of Portlandia.  So I was showing him my downloads and he was just cracking up - because, well, it is Portland personified! So as he was on hold mostly for seven hours of waiting for technical help in India to get my system back up, we watched clip after clip of a show I would like to watch in its entirety one of these days!

And so, enjoy a few moments of Portland insanity:

Probably the best part of this video is that it is just what was happening along the Willamette River that day as they did the filming.  Clowns, the gay choir and band practicing, random people from both normal life and on the film crew.  Almost makes you want to move somewhere, where insanity reigns and hiding would be so easy ...

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