Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thirteen Cents

My mind is a blank this morning.  I had almost no sleep what-so-ever last night, too much leg pain, too much stress, too hot, too cold, then I had to be ready for a grandkids drop off at 5:30 am.  Yawn!  And I did not write ahead this week on this blog.  So .....

I was flipping through the statistics charts which Blogger generates for blog owners.  What country origins my readers are from (USA 1, Russia 2, Germany 3, then the other 15 countries I have single digit readers from), what path was used to reach my blog, what keywords were used which led to my blog, what posts people are reading, etc.  Sort of mind numbing but it allows me to keep a pulse on what is of interest to people.  (Which is often the strangeous of things!)

And then there are the robots whom are downloading my blog.  Every week I have the same five downloading my posts, indexing them and then storing them for their readership.  One of them is fun because it tells you what you are worth.

I think what it does is look at your average daily number of readers (695!) and then do some factoring for number of posts and number of comments.  This then reflects your value for the blog, sort of what you ought to sell for I think.

Well, Google comes in at $20,000,000 and I am worth $ .13.  Yeah, a whole thirteen cents!  Yup, not going to get rich if I ever want to sell.  LOL!

Just thought you might enjoy the humor of the day...

As you are reading this, depending upon where in the world you are; I am either gettring ready to take my niece out for a birthday lunch or am at lunch with her.  Such fun!  I love birthday lunches.

See you all back there tomorrow!

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