Thursday, May 23, 2013

Religion Continued

This is part of a response to yesterday's post .....

Religion is big business.  It is important to hide the ease at which one may find their salvation through Jesus as the Savior.  It is important to make it complex to understand, to use words no one uses any longer, to hide the simplicity of the Gospel message.  The leaders expect man's praise for their  credentials, using this as the basis from which to present "deep" meaning and mysteries to their followers.

In reality all these leaders are doing is marketing themselves; they have focus groups and opinion polls to help them know what people want to talk about; they master the "current event" and stay on top of their game by focusing on what the gossip circles have to say.

They love to write books to about how to posture and market yourself successfully in your ministry, just like them, and be popular.  How to build a bigger ministry; what the best approach to music is; how to weave tradition and new traditions together to create a framework which your demographic audience can appreciate and therefore will attend your services and not others.  And then, there are those whom weave in pieces from other religions, especially eastern mysticism, to create something new so as to draw the seeker in and into the enemy's territory.

Our religious leader wants authority, establishes a hierarchy from which they rule over the predefined majority of their followers.  Always siding with the majority will allow them the longest "run" for the business model they have worked to.

This is Satan and how he works, this is not of God, nor of His leadership.  God does not need any of this in order for His Church to be established and to be successful!  This religion of government, has nothing to do with God, however it does have to do with Mystery Babylon.....

Of course, equally there are the apologetic approaches:

Yesterday's post was philosophical, not practical.

There is nothing wrong with Bible Schools, nor the accumulation of knowledge.

You paint pastors in a lose-lose situation.

What is true of today was not true of the millennial Rabbi.

Judaism and Christianity are the same, the Jew must become a Christian!

So, you get the idea.

I have to admit that being able to clearly define a problem, which has bothered me for years, is far from knowing how to change the course of apostasy.  It is like watching a train derailment.  Yeah,  you can see how and why it is happening, but once it has begun - how the heck do you stop it?!?!?!?!?

Really, I would like ideas on that one.  I would like my pastor to recognize that he has drifted into enemy territory, probably unknowingly.  I would like to see this church return to God's leadership and not under pragmatism.  I would like to see a whole lot less of pragmatism, period, in the Christian church!

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