Friday, May 10, 2013

Slow Times

My life seems to be remarkably slow this week, well what can you expect?  I got platinum in my heart these days!  So, sort of like a catalytic converter on American cars, only in cars it is known to start fires and corrupt fuel efficiency, whereas in me I get to just putter along.  I so want to run my metal detector over my chest and see what it reads!

My first post operative doctor's visit went well, he wants me back next week for another stress test.  Yeah, just show me an IV needle and that ought to just about do it!  Then he is chomping at the bit for getting me in to the Swedish hospital for the real work at restoring my heart.

I remember last thursday laying there in the operating room and thinking, "Yeah, this just had to happen - after I was made human ....  And, it may well be that I would not have survived without feelings.  Feelings bring hope.  There is not much hope when your arteries are clogging and you have virtually no cholesterol to speak of.  There is no real long term solution.

I have been up and walking quite a bit this week, trying to do two miles a day or so.  So far the only real stress was surprisingly getting my haircut of all things!  Yeah that one should have been stress neutral at the most!  And what should have been the most - set my heart at peace.  Go figure, this body and God's ways, I may never understand them.

As usual for this week, I can not sit for long without exhaustion, so if you are praying for my healing, please continue.  If you are praying for my destruction, well that would make you my daughter, whom ought to talk with me.  If you do not pray at all, you might want to consider this quaint practice - it does change things, often our own perspective.


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