Friday, November 12, 2010

Teething Problems

This could be a young Ernest Hemingway in training, someone with a real teething issue or a good reason why not to drop your kids off at grandpa's when he is cleaning his guns.....  (face blurred to protect the innocent!)


Anonymous said...

Kris! I came here and just about hit the floor when I saw this!

Whew! I have to clean several guns today, and get them put into storage. Although we will be chasing deer and hogs late today near the coast.

I promise to stop in and visit, because you've been a real encouragement to me in your writings, and thoughts.

Peace to you my friend!

KJP said...

Hey Jim, where are you now? I am spending a great deal of time at my mothers in central western Washington, but we could meet up somewhere. Are you in Oregon again? let me know!