Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sexism Is Not Dead

So, I was working on the car, so that I can go home eventually, and yeah damaged myself.  Sometimes it just is not worth getting out of bed at times.  Sigh.....

Sitting in emergency, waiting for my name to be called so I can get something for the pain, I occupied myself with watching others.  Of course, there were the usual attendees there - people whom had a head cold, people whom were klutzs like me only with nails sticking out of various body parts (friends doing a roofing job when a nail gun went full auto!), etc.  Yeah, I might not be the real king of klutz!

Then there was this little girl whom found a coloring book and some crayons.  She was working on a picture of some construction equipment when her mother walked up.  "Oh no!  That is for boys!  Girls do not have anything to do with trucks!  Here is a book of kitchen pictures, lets color this instead.''

Of course, little girl had no interest in coloring pictures of a table with flowers or a pile of dirty dishes.  So, end of coloring session and perhaps death of another budding artist.

I was a might unhappy over the stifling of the of the artist within the girl, but as I sat and thought about this, I really got bothered because this little girl was being programmed by her mother to be a domestic and only a domestic along gender roles!

Personally, I am glad there are two sexes, both with their strengths and weaknesses, but programming a child to play gender based roles is about as bad as what Nazi Germany did in the 1930's - programming children to understand it is the State right or wrong.  I see no difference between telling a child they are not able to be anything other than a homemaker and it is your duty to die for the State. 

Do your programming early on and that child will never know that they did have the ability to make choices in their lives.  No wonder people get to be such mental cases.....

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