Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Missing The Mark

The current state within the youth culture shows that we as a Christian Body have missed the mark!

I work with youth, have done so since 1974. I have been fascinated with the gradual decline in the character I have seen in the youth coming through the Sunday Schools and youth programs I have been associated with. This is especially true over the last decade.

I have had youth groups of 165 and some as low as 5 regular attendees. I have had groups where there was no knowledge concerning the Church to one where the kids may have known more than me! But, I have never seen youth so challenged as I see today. Just a casual glance through our youth body and I have to really worry for the salvation of these kids.

Pornography is a real problem amongst the young men, many think nothing of their sexual activity and acknowledge no consideration for the shame they bring on young women. The young women are not much better. Many have already lost their virginity by twelve or thirteen and many whom have not – well it is not for lack of trying (even at church!). Barely a year goes by that some “hot” moment does not have to be broken up! How sad it is when instead of teaching, adults must search every nook and cranny for kids – at church – and let us not forget the parking lot!

Gossip is rampant. Every opportunity is used to destroy other people and their reputations. I can not even get this drilled into my own kids’ brains how destructive this is! And how poorly God views this. Unfortunately, they are only accepting the model shown by their own parents, grandparents and elders in the Church! Do we have to issue members strips of duct tape to get the point across to them? If you have to talk about someone and their failings – do it in prayer to God – not over coffee with friends or even people you do not know! Grrrrr!

Lying is a way of life any more. Trying to get a truthful answer is almost impossible with youth today. They will tell anyone anything they think they want to hear. But, they really hate it when they are lied to! Wonder why… Duh!

Lack of acceptance – gees! What is there to say here, other than if you want to visit a church to see what their youth group is like – expect to be ignored!

Although not explicitly listed as a sin, drugs are a problem in the Church as well. Not so much the kids at this point but definitely amongst many of the parents. So, children are having modeled for them that drugs are ok, even if you have to break the law to do so. With the youth now understanding that the law is only important when you get caught – what can we expect to be seeing in the future? I really worry about this one!

As Christians, we are called to be the exact opposite for each of these situations! We are to strive to be sexually pure. We are not to gossip. We are to tell the truth. We are to be law biding so that no one can accuse us falsely! We are to welcome one another and strangers into our midst. We are to be loving. Love is what sets the Christian apart from the world. Love is the greatest witness we are supposed to have! Love is what has been modeled for us across the millennia since Jesus.

And yet, love is exactly what these kids do not have for anyone other than themselves!

The youth of today are the Church of tomorrow. Will that Church be able to stand as a witness for Jesus or will it just become another social club? Well, actually, most any ungodly social club would be better than what the Church has become…

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