Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Seven Secrets

I received this from my Russian artist friend.  Usually, she sends me humor, so this is a little different for her.  Enjoy!

There are seven secrets to success and you can find those in your room.

The roof says, "Aim high."

The fan says, "Be cool."

The clock says, "Every minute is precious."

The mirror says, "Reflect before you act."

The window says, "See the world."

The calendar says, "Be up-to-date."

The door says, "Push hard to achieve goals."

Most of us make success complicated where it should be simple, and simple where it should be complicated.  The basic rules are pretty straight-forward, and if you were given a test on them, you would probably get a high grade.  But holding yourself to a standard of excellence in their execution, sweating the details effectively, well, that takes a little more intention and a little more elbow grease.

Each of us has more talent, ability, and intelligence than we could ever demonstrate, so raw materials are rarely the problem, it is what we do with our raw materials that counts.

How are you using yours???

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