Thursday, April 23, 2009

Relative To Man

We struggle to understand God, usually ending up by remaking Him in our image because it is what we can understand.  Jesus is not much easier.  Lots of cults have arisen through the ages differing from Christianity in their attempts to get a handle on the nature of Jesus.

I have only known two whom I believe may have a solid understanding of both and both would claim their understanding to only be at the beginning.  Which means, the rest of us are sort of hopeless in this endeavor…

So, from our perspective what can we know?

Revelation 1:12-17

Jesus is God’s beginning and end.
We are told that creation began with Jesus and will end through Him as well.

Jesus is unique among faith founders.
Jesus came preaching a message of life, eternal life, freely given.  Something no other religion or faith can offer.  (Yes, I am very familiar with both Judaism and Islam, neither of which offer salvation apart from works.)

Jesus makes death powerless.
Although Jesus’ death on the cross was for the covering of our sin, His rising from the dead demonstrated His power over death.

Jesus will never die again.
Jesus faces no condemnation from His father, and never has.  It is very poor theology which claims otherwise.

Jesus holds the keys to your eternity.
You get a choice: accept Jesus’ payment for your sin and face an eternity with Him, or face God in your sin and be judged accordingly – not an eternity of suffering ever meant for man.

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