Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So much within the Christian realm has been usurped by the world that it becomes hard to respond correctly on day to day issues.  Take marriage as an instance.  If God ordained marriage, where did government gain the belief that they “control” the right to marry?  The starry eyed couple has to purchase a “license” from the government in order to marry.  No license, no marriage.  A minister, licensed by the government, is the only recognized person (outside of a judge) with the right to perform a wedding.

The Christian church abrogated their right to marriage in the Middle Ages in a power swap between the Pope and pagan kings.  So today we live under a system of governmental permissions in order to be married.  Just be glad you do not live under a situation of both church and governmental permissions and ceremonies.  Gees!  No, I am not thinking of marriage but I am attending five weddings this summer.

One of my oldest acquaintances is marrying for a second time and many are not handling this well.  She had a severely abusive husband; her ability to stick it out for 31 years amazing.  Maybe she should not remarry from a strict Biblical view, instead seeking to reconcile.  But, how many times do you need to be hospitalized due to your husband’s brutality before you give up or die?  So, the world allows for her to both leave him and remarry.  I may know what she should do, but by marrying again – God does promise to bless the new couple as one.  Maybe not the best path she could take, maybe God will have problems using them as His witness, but her first husband’s rebellion to God had crippled that path long ago.  Only our liberal laws allow that man to live…

I also have a problem with today’s youth.  Live together for several years and then decide to marry.  Surprise!  Their delight is not exactly shared by the many.  So three of the marriages are of this type.  Christian kids, knowing better, not caring and everyone is expected to share their “joy”.  As an adult recognizing that their marriage has been doomed from the start – at least statistically (God can overcome any situation…).  Rough one to deal with but if you take the stand you ought, you lose the ability to witness to them in the future when the clefts in their marriage appear.  And, the hours you spend with their parents discussing how to handle a situation like this!  I only get to be mediator here because I had to go through this last summer…  (Kelly was my mediator.  Timothy, I am STILL waiting for photos!)

As far as I know, the last couple has gone about the whole dating, wooing, engagement process “correctly”.  But, immature would be a gross understatement for where he is.  Both are “adults” according to the world standard, so what is a person to do?  Especially, when we are talking about the pastor’s son here…  Politics require my attendance but my heart is already weeping for what they still have to learn.

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