Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Choosing Sides

With the exception of only two men, for two millennia God has placed you in the situation of having to make a decision – you get to choose which side of the cross you want to be on.

Luke 23:39-43
When Jesus hung on the cross, two other criminals were crucified with Him.  To one side, hung a man whose heart was hardened and mocked Jesus.  On the other side, hung another criminal; however, he recognized the innocence of Jesus.  In his misery, he argued with the other.

Three men died that afternoon, slow agonizing deaths.  One died showing mankind that none can presume upon their eternity.  Another died showing that none should despair their state before God.  And Jesus died to rectify your position before God.

You Can Die In Sin.
The Bible records that both thieves mocked Jesus.

You only have two directions to choose from when you are suffering: you can become BITTER or you can become BETTER.

You Can Die To Sin.
One thief chose to reject the world’s rejection of Jesus.
He admitted his guilt.
He reached out to Jesus (may have heard something concerning Him).

Because Jesus Died For Sin.
You have an immediate pardon, based on nothing but your belief.
You will be in His presence in Heaven.
You will be in “The King’s Garden”, paradise.

Two of the men hung on crosses, victims of their own choices in life.  The third volunteered to be there.

It is important to know that God will never give up on you, but so many give up on “god” because they do not understand the choice they need to make.

You have the ability to stand on one or the other side of the cross.  One leads to condemnation and the other to life.  Not only do you need to choose wisely, but we each must reach as many as possible to get them onto the side of life.

Time is short.  Let us get started!

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