Monday, February 22, 2010

Dilbert Moment

 One of the funny memories from my last job:

We had a building called the “Black Box”.  First, it is black top to bottom.  But, it is also one of those places where top secret stuff occurs and people whom can not talk about their jobs work.  So, with that introduction, you may enjoy this Dilbert moment…..

I had a 9:00 meeting and was a little frustrated as I walked up to the building.  It was the “Black Box”, some place I am not supposed to be, some place I could get into real trouble - I did not want to deal with today.

I stopped just short of the door contemplating what to do.  I had to attend the meeting but they had poorly chosen a location for it.

“Kris, what are you doing here?”

I turned to see a co-worker from years ago.  “Have a meeting here.”

“Yeah, me too.”  He pulls out his pass and swipes it through machine.  Cool, I can follow him in!

“Say, aren’t you East German?”  Dang, caught!

“According the US Government.”

“You are from East Germany though, right?”

“No, never been there.”

“Then why are you East German?”

“The US Government decided I was because my father was.”

“Ah, you father is from East German?”

“No, he is Swiss.”

“How can he be Swiss if he is East German?”

“Someone in the government decided he was…”

“Well, where were you born?”

“On a US military base where my father was taking classes.”

“So, you are US then!”

“Yeah, if your father wasn’t East German anyways.”

We both laugh as he tries to get the door open.  It will not work, nor will it for the next two people.

“So, what are you then?”

“Well, born as a Swiss-German dual citizen and US naturalized 1975.”

“So you are US then!”

“Yeah, but try and get someone in government to understand that.”

Four more people have joined us; no one can get the door to open.  Finally, figuring I had nothing to loose, since no one else can get in – I swipe my card, viewing the three armed guards not smiling now on the opposite side of the door glass.  The door swings open and we surge forward to our meeting we are all late for.

But, the meanest looking of the guards blocks the way.  “You”, he says pointing at me “Can pass.  The rest of you over there…”  He is pointing to a holding area.

I quietly sneak past and find my meeting.  The others all joined about half an hour later.  My friend slid beside me and quietly commented, “Sure wish I was East German…”

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