Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Strong Willed Woman

Scribble, scribble, scribble.  She busily wrote on her note pad.  Eh, whatever, I was busy driving.

Tap, tap, tap.  Her pen bounced off of the notepad.  “Hmm, well maybe, oh okay.”

“What are you doing?”


I continued to enjoy the road and the hum of the motor.

“Okay, I have got it!”

“Got what?”

“That you are a strong willed woman!”

“What are you talking about?”

“At the women’s retreat they gave a test and I just took it for you.  You are a strong willed woman.”

“I am I guy, not a woman and I am far less strong willed than you are.”

“Are not!”

“Are too!”

“Ok, take the test yourself then!”  She throws the papers at me.

“See, just what I mean, you are more strong willed than me.  That just translated to a driver personality!”

“I am not a driver!”

“Yes you are, you are driving me crazy with this stupid idea!”   She settles back and begins to ask me questions…..

“If I say impossible, you say ----“ “It will take a little longer to accomplish.”

“If I say you are both loving and a cold hearted %$# ….” “Might depend on if I like you.”

“If I say you argue to win a point ---“ “Ha! I do not argue just for fun of it.  Well, maybe….”

“You stir up trouble when you are bored ---“ “Do not, ok maybe, well sometimes.”

“Rules are really guidelines----“  “Only to control the masses.”

“You are very creative ---“  “So, your point is?”

“You can blow an issue all out of proportion ---“  “Oh, now I do not do that!  Why I remember just a week ago you …..”  “Thank you, point proven!”

“You have to understand ‘Why’, before you will act---“  “Yeah, …..?”

“Things have be done on your terms ---“  “Only because I am more practical than most…”  “Yeah, I noticed that once about you…..”

“You are always willing to face the unknown ---“  “Of course, I also do dishes.”

“You can twist a request into an ultimatum….”  “I do not!”  “Of course you do, now let’s finish the test.”  “No, this is stupid.  You are making this stuff up!”  “Ok, check that one off!”

“You do not apologize, but you do make things better ----“  “Hey, I say I am sorry when I need to!”

“Game and match!”


“You are a strong willed woman!  Twelve points out of twelve!”

She started laughing like the crazy woman she really is……

I have a new test I want to give her; ‘You Are A Sucky Friend’.  But, I can not come up with the question to follow, “Is your name ….”

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