Monday, January 18, 2010

Clueless Protestants

One of my “girls” from years past got married.  I was a bit surprised to find the wedding was in a Catholic Church, more so that it was being done as part of a mass.  One of the most interesting parts of the Roman mass, given during the wedding, was how clueless the Protestants found themselves.

The church was fairly evenly divided: half of the church was filled with the groom’s family and friends – all Roman Catholic and half the bride’s – all Protestant.  So, half the church had no clue what was going on at all times.

During moments of liturgy, the Catholic side knew just the right words to say – our side, clueless.  With the candle lighting, admittedly even some of the Catholics were confused as to which ones were to be lit when, in remembrance of dead family members.  About half way through there was a communion and the entire Protestant side remained seated!  I was sitting thinking okay, now how do I politely react in this situation?  But, it did not matter as I was boxed in anyways.

But, the worse was when on some unknown signal the entire Catholic side rose.  There was no indication anyone should have and yet they did.  Why?  I have no clue.  A prayer was eventually said.  One of “my boys” was mouthing the words, “What do I do?”  So, at a break in presentation, we both stood up in unison and were joined by the rest of the Protestants.  It was SO uncomfortable being SO clueless!

I really liked how the priest prayed for a blessing upon the Pope, the bishops, cardinals, etc in his hierarchy.  When was the last time your pastor took the time to pray openly for your denomination’s hierarchy?

I got to thinking about our directive to pray for our leadership, both in the Church sense and national sense.  And I actually took the time to pray for my countries’ leadership for the first time in a very long time…

I encourage you to lift up a whole lot of prayer for your church and country, whatever they are.  Not for your will or even man’s, for that would be vanity, but for God’s best in our pulpits and every political office of your nation.

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