Tuesday, February 14, 2012

An Afront To Religion

So as I am sure you have already read and heard, Washington State's elected bodies have declared us to be a homosexual marriage zone.  Of course, this will not go well at election time, but for now the corruption of our legislatures has come to full blossom.

"Marriage" is a Judeo, Christian, Islamic term of real meaning for thousands of years - about 3,800 if you want to roll the clock back to Abraham!  Washington's legislature has deemed themselves powerful enough to finally overcome word definitions and redefine language to suit their corrupt desires.  Yeah.

No, I am not going to go off on the whole Romans 1 condemnation of all elicit sexual acts, that would be repeating myself.  But I will say that government is well within its rights to declare what the definition of a civil union is - but they do not have the power to redefine marriage.

Sorry, marriage is a God ordained act, not "owned" by man, and introducing sin into the equation will not set well.

Expect God to hand Washington State, or at least its individual representatives over for correction......  God never smiles on sin and can be brutal in His corrections.

Sorry Christine Gregoire, whether you daughter is gay or not, you lack the authority of God.  You get in His face - He is guaranteed to get in yours.....

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