Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weakest Link

I know I have shared the concept of the weakest link before, it is one of those most improbable yet seems to really hold true theories in my life.

When I am doing something God wants me to do, from the weirdest of sources distractions - if not outright attacks - appear from seemingly nowhere.  So, I developed the idea that by identifying those around me, I can diminish the impact of these "distractions" when they occur.  Forearmed is forewarned after all!

Following my last posting, during the afternoon, it dawned on me - I had been sucker punched by evil and did not even realize it for a complete week!  What a Rube I can be at times!

Yeah, my "nephew", whom I always trusted, somehow had been overcome and his explosion a week ago was meant to defect me from the answer I was attempting to gain into how to best address one of " my girls" situation.  And it worked, it worked far too easily.  I was so distracted by his explosion and anger towards me, I could not continue on the quest I had begun.  I am still stunned.

However, understanding this, I was able to once again address the original issue.  But, then I was whacked for 5 days by illness such as I really do not wish to have repeated in my life.  And, yet, in God's mercy I am recovering to continue work on the quest.

So, next week, I need to be able to present a comprehensive answer to the young woman's situation - and - now that I recognize not the only importance of the situation but also of the work against that situation....

Well, nothing drives my little German heels deeper into the ground than to be opposed.

1 comment:

Robin said...

that last line is a keeper-classic-love it.
glad to see youre still swingin!