Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stand Against: Liars

Nothing drives me crazy faster than to cross paths with a liar.  Tell me a lie and expect to NEVER have any credibility with me ever again.  Yeah, I have a small circle of truth telling friends and sometimes that can be awfully inconvenient but far preferred than to be lied to!

You can not trust a liar.  When are they telling the truth?  If a lie, then on what scale was the lie?  Something you can work around, having figured out what the truth was or something that will cause major problems you will have to deal with?

Father was a world class liar.  Want to know what was wrong with our relationship?  Re-read the first paragraph.

My earliest memory of my father was of him telling a lie to an FBI type whom was trying to figure out father's paperwork and what could be found out.  Father had gotten a call on the phone and I saw him go to the bedroom, then return with some paperwork, which he then destroyed.  Later that day, he was being questioned as to where that paperwork was and father claimed it had been lost in a move.  Yeah, even during the Cold War there was still enough information available to show problems with father's tales.  But, then again, he did possess the knowledge he claimed.  So, he had to be a Russian spy, right?  We all thought it but no one said it.

Once I was an adult, I came to understand that father had been a liar for so long, he no longer knew the truth either!  Or if he did, he must have had a split personality, each with their own versions of truth.

As I was dealing with his latest wife, and now widow earlier this month, it was so hard to tell her what she wanted to know because like me - she expected him to have been truthful with her.  Even down to the names of his girlfriends, he never told her the truth.  I felt really sorry for her.

For me, it is far easier to just tell the truth, never having to worry about whom I told what.

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