Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Totally Politically Incorrect

I do not follow the American news media, nor beauty pageants, so I found this week’s blogging on both to be of surprising interest.  As I understand it, Miss California was asked about homosexual marriage and she commented her belief in one man/one woman is a marriage.  And the “gay” community was off to bash her within seconds of her statement and continues to it appears.

Personally, I do not care whether a government wishes to allow same sex civil unions or not, making bad choices is what governments do best.  However, marriage is a Judeo-Christian establishment.  Sure you can find similar in almost all cultures but we are discussing an institution based on a very well established set of criteria.  So, please do not take an apple and call it an orange and then tell me they are the same…..

So, Miss California claims to be a Christian, espouses Christian values, etc.  I am having a problem here.  I lost my first god-daughter to the world’s way of doing business, so I KNOW how extremely rare she would have to be, to be a Christian and still play the world’s game.  I had high hopes this could be true.  An example for Christian young women everywhere in a culture devoted to sin.

Of course, the trashing of her did not take long.  Semi-nude photos taken a few years ago, with a “blah-blah-blah” explanation.  Then a second set of photo, only this time taken six months ago!  Yeah, want to try and explain how little Ms. Christian managed to lose her clothes twice and still believe that she holds Christian values?  Does anyone else see a creditability issue here?  You can not live in the world and still pretend that anyone should listen to you as a Christian.  Sorry, it does not work that way.  I also do not believe that the willingness to not only strip down but then pose for photos is done without a bit of experience before hand.

Add druggie Michael Phelps as the main man in her life and she starts to look sleazier and sleazier. 

Sorry Ms. Prejean, your lifestyle has completely robbed you of having an active Christian witness to anyone.  Get down on your knees young lady and have a long talk with God.  Then clean up your life and you just might have a witness to then share!  Lean that God does not need a Miss USA, he needs humble hearts willing to serve Him – without the personal problems you have brought to public light!

If you want to be a Christian, you are going to fail (well at least I do!), lying about those failures only compounds the failure.  If you want to strip off and do nude photos, hang with druggies, etc – it would probably better to have never said anything about being a Christian, because you are not going to be much of a role model - if you can not at least be truthful.

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