Monday, May 18, 2009

Miracles I Have Seen

Continuing with the idea of miracles and their reality even today:  Nothing catches your attention faster than when you see the unexplainable occur.  As a non-Christian I was perplexed when in the life of the one whom would lead me to salvation, the unexplainable was an everyday occurrence!

Imagine a car whose tank almost never ran empty.  So totally weird!  But, when the owner had money, the tank would need gas, when the owner was flat broke that car would run thousands of miles on that last tank of gas.  For me, my math skills got in the way and I had to drive from Western Germany to eastern Poland and back to Western Germany without a fill up.  I ran out of gas at the first gas station back in Germany - literally coasted in.  No F-250 Ford truck with a fully loaded camper ever got 1,100 miles on a tank!

Imagine driving 1,500 miles not only on the same tank of gas but with no brakes!  It blew my mind to realize that this guy had to have hit every single stop light just right, in order to have not gotten in a crash!  No one cut him off, no one slowed down in front of him.  How is this even possible, especially in winter?  (Dutchman and I rebuilt the guy’s brakes, gave him gas money and sent him on his way home.)  Yet, similar situations occurred with such frequency in my life, I find it hard to really comment!  The direr the situation, the more God proved His authority over every situation.

On one climb I stood on a ledge that collapsed, my anchor was into a huge rock and down we both went.  I fell 160 feet before my climbing partner reached out and grabbed me by my belt as I went by.  Amazingly, he did not fall as well; I suffered no injuries other than slamming into the wall.  The rock continued on its path another 1,500 feet down. 

One I still shake me head over is how I managed to get blown off of a canyon rim, fell several hundred feet, landing flat on my back on a dry stream bed of broken rock!  I was not climbing, I was sight-seeing, as I had a broken arm in a cast!  I hit so hard I can still see in my mind that cast exploding off of my arm.  No injuries, at all.  Even the broken arm was just fine.  Try and even begin to figure that one out!

I could go on and on bragging on my God and what I have seen Him do.  But, the real point in all of this is not that I am in anyway exceptional nor Holy; in fact, it is in my weakness that God has seemed fit to show His greatest power.  The greatest miracle I have seen is His love for me, so much so, that He covered my sinful heart long before my life began!  When I can no longer do – often anything, is when He is capable of doing so much more.

What is any of this to you?  Perhaps nothing.  Perhaps a learning opportunity to just TRUST God and KNOW that He is far greater than any situation you may face.  You may never see a miracle in your life, but they still occur, you just may not recognize God working around you except in hindsight.  Even Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “Either everything is a miracle, or nothing is at all…..”.  Thinking on that one might just change how you view what transpires around you everyday!

Not running out of gas, finding a gas station just when you need it, seeing a hurking big nail in one of your tires but it did not go flat on the roadway.  You suddenly remember something you had forgotten, just when it was needed.  Etc, Etc, Etc!  It boggles the mind when you think about it!

I often think of those three young men, in the Babylonian furnace.  They were there not because they had even seen a miracle nor expected a miracle salvation from the heat of that fire, but because God is who He IS.  Whether they lived or died, God still IS. 

Maybe faith of that magnitude is a miracle as well, from our perspective…..

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