Monday, May 28, 2007


Scene: World War II, Italy is being invaded by the Allied Forces.  Oh sure, it was a combined British, Canadian and US attack, however, it was the US whom was sent in first, just as at every other invasion up to this point.

My grandmother’s last husband, and longest surviving, was one of the first to hit the beaches of Anzio.  This invasion, begged the question, “If I hold an invasion and no one comes, does it really count as an invasion?”  Yeah, there was no resistance.  The German Army was in full retreat.

So the invasion forces began their slow march inland, always wondering exactly where the enemy was!

On the left is Reuben Parsigian, grandmother’s last husband.  He looks mighty good with his M1 Sniper rifle.  On the far right is a young James Arnez, the future actor.  He guy is huge, especially when compared with the height of Reuben!  This photo was taken perhaps within moments, or hours, of the German sniper’s shot which passed through Reuben’s buttock and lodged in Mr. Arnez’s hip.

They were both sent back to Anzio.  Mr. Arnez was to return to America with his famous limp and Reuben, after some R&R, was to rejoin his group on their way to Monte Cassino.  This battle is famous for it destruction of the monastery, as well as, the site of Audie Murphy’s rushing a machine gun nest which earned him the Congressional Medal of Honor!

Reuben would never talk about the war.  It was like pulling teeth to even get the story Anzio, much less what really went on at Monte Cassino…..

Like so many of his generation, he is long gone from this world leaving us with the legacy that freedom is not cheap, nor easy to maintain. 

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