Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Denying the Power Thereof

I was reading through some of my older postings, from the last dead Blog, and I was thinking this morning on reposting my thoughts of II Timothy 3:2 – 5.  I wondered then, as I do now, how this scripture describes the average Christian, especially some of whom have communicated with me recently over my “failure as a father” due to my eldest’s antics.  I am not going to argue anyone could be a better parent, but were they really saying something about themselves?  Make no mistake, my daughter knows exactly what she was doing – and just does not care if God approves or disapproves.  Like her, how far has the average Christian left God in their dust?

We probably all know of those around us whom are lovers of self.  Heavens!  Companies such as YSL, Coach, even Starbucks, as well as a hundred other companies, prey upon the provision of luxury to those whom want the “best”.  Often, what they offer is not the best - you are just led to believe so and therefore want what they offer!  Just pick a name brand and you know what I am saying.  How about having more, as in bigger?  When a small – aka “Tall” - Starbucks will do, why do you need a “Grande” or “Venti”?  Why do double or triple Whoppers exist at all?  Why paint your toe nails?  Or only use brand XYZ “cleansing” products?  Lovers of self…..

Lovers of money.  We live in an age of more-more-more and more – and that takes money, lots of money!  Even amongst of my Christian friends I wonder why they seek wealth the way they do!  My radar scientist friend has more wealth than most smaller nations – yet lives paycheck to paycheck!  I have had money and I have lost money.  Honestly, not having money is a whole lot easier than the worry, boastfulness and pride that come with wealth.  Seeing God working everyday in your life is a whole lot more fascinating than providing for yourself and never needing to rely on God.

II Timothy 3:2, “...disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, lovers of pleasure…”, continues Paul.  Suddenly, I am seeing Romans chapter 1 again.  In particular, verses 28 through 32.  Given over to our own depravity, is it any wonder events as constantly seem to appear in our lives, occur daily?  Is it any wonder I get hate eMail?

And “…denying the power…”.  That is the hard one.  People in my church, whom I would liken to brothers and sisters, whom appear to be Christian, really may not be due to their lack of a relationship with God.  Is it any wonder we do not see the Spirit manifest in our Body, when we are dedicated to ourselves and not God?  Is it any wonder we see the uncorrected waywardness of youth these days?  Look at the example our culture has set!

I do not know if we are in the end times or not as is addressed in Romans and Timothy, but I do know each of us probably has much to address in becoming the man or woman of God we are called to be.  And according to Paul that is going to start with a lifestyle change, where our focus is not on ourselves and our comfort – but to those around us and Him.

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