Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cross or Tomb?

One of the more interesting conversations to come out of my work with middle daughter’s boyfriend has been the discussion over which is more important – the Cross or the Tomb.

To me, the cross represents death.  Certainly Rome managed to kill tens, if not hundreds, of thousands by this method in their 1,000 year history.  Jesus was just one of many.  Yes, you can claim the cross is important because Jesus willingly shed His blood for us – as an eternal payment for our lack of character.

Conversely, the tomb represents life!  Here is where the women disciples and later the male disciples discovered Jesus had risen from the tomb.  He was no longer there.  And NO one questioned the empty tomb in either Roman or Jewish writings of the day.  He was alive!

So which is more important?  The fact that Jesus died or the fact that He alone, of all crucifixion victims, was regenerated from the tomb?

For me the empty tomb is the symbol of my salvation and hope.  Yes, His payment in blood is important – but His overcoming death is the proof He is whom He says He is.

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