Sunday, July 1, 2007

Calvinism, Arminianism and Me

“A” is Arminius’ argument.  “C” is Calvin’s argument.

C1.  Total Inability 
A1.  Free Will or Human Ability

Calvin is correct, Romans 1 clearly shows man is completely incapable of finding God without God’s direct intervention in each of our lives.

Arminius is also correct, we are free to choose God’s offer of forgiveness or not.
Therefore, I believe God makes at least one if not many opportunities available to everyone, so that they may be without excuse when they face Him in judgment.

C2.  Unconditional Election
A2.  Conditional Election

Here I am somewhat in disagreement with both theologians.  God tells us He foreknew and therefore predestined those whom are saved.  And yet, the offer of salvation is made to everyone.  Arminius argues correctly that if only those whom were predestined are the only ones saved, then God is effectively condemning the vast majority of man – for never having a choice to make!  It is certainly within God’s power to harden hearts and then punish those for what they have done.  It is also certain that God desires that none should be lost to Him.  So a quandary exists.  Unless, God predestines some, because He wants or needs them, whereas others are the ones the predestined are to reach.

C3.  Particular Redemption or Limited Atonement
A3.  Universal Redemption or General Atonement

Here I side with Arminius, I do believe Jesus’ death and resurrection were for all of mankind – to accept or reject as they choose.  So whether you are a Pastor’s kid, a Muslim, a Buddhist, etc., Jesus paid the price for your sin – if you will allow Him too.

C4.  The Efficacious Call of the Spirit or Irresistible Grace
A4.  The Holy Spirit Can Be Effectually Resisted

I am hesitantly siding with Arminius again.  You have the ability to reject the call of Jesus on your spirit, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  I say hesitantly, as I also believe that once you are His, you have a much harder struggle overcoming the influence of the Holy Spirit in your life.  I have often commented to friends I am sure the Holy Spirit plays baseball, as I often think I am getting whacked by a BIG bat when I am out of line.

C5.  Perseverance of the Saints
A5.  Falling From Grace

Now I must side with Calvin.  Jesus said no one may snatch us out of His hand.  So be it.  It is hard for me to believe that Jesus will not give us up nor at least roast our codlings in pay back over some of the messes we make.  But, I rejoice He does not.  So much of what we understand about this doctrine is directly a reflection upon the model of our own father in our lives.  Mine was a legalist and harsh, therefore my first 30 years as a Christian were under a God whom was just that.  But, even old dogs can be taught…….. 


(C1/A1) (C2) A3 A4 C5
Parentheses are for one with problems…

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