Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Introverted Narcissus

Last time I wrote on the problem in our culture of people whose whole attention is taken with the grooming of their bodies and not their minds.  In the end, this in itself will lead to tragedy.  If you give yourself no tools to use in your life, well, you will not have much to work with nor much of a life…..  Very simple cause-and-effect.

However, these groomers are not alone with this problem as there is another, often silent, form of this problem, which can also lead to tragedy of a different sort.

The epitome of this problem is the emo subculture.  Emo’s are pretty easy to spot – they like to dress in black, dye their hair black, use black make-up, etc.  So, the external is easy to see.  Internally - violence, rage and darkness surrounds them.  Not so pretty.  Especially when you consider the high body mutilation and suicide rates amongst them!

But, those are just the highly visible ones.  I am more concerned over the invisible ones.  Maybe you or someone you know is a closet one.  The mind filled with regrets and accusations against themselves for transgressions both real and imagined.  Self accusations so numerous and so pervasive that again bodily mutilation and suicide is often the only escape they can understand.

To me, this is a form of mental illness.  When self criticism, leading to violence, then self destruction is the only answer – they really ought to be seeking help from their family, friends, pastors, and counselors.  However, often they cannot or will not.

Just like the groomers, so intent upon looking their best that no other priority exists, these self haters also win the Narcissus Award.  No, they are not looking in the mirror constantly to see their reflection – but they are doing so introspectively and for opposite reasons.  Not to love themselves more, but to hate themselves more.  To convince themselves that they have no right for good to happen to them, that they really deserve all of the evil which befalls them.

Like most problems, the longer a problem is prevalent, the longer it will take to get passed it.  And unlike so many I have read concerning the whole emo subculture, I am not willing to say, “Yes, you suck, now go away ….”  or similar.  Some are downright hostile towards these mislead people.  They do need to get past themselves though, hence why they are Narcissus.

And here is why I am concerned with our Narcissus Culture - if your testimony or lack of ministry is because you can not stop grooming or condemning yourself, you really need to get some help…..  Satan will use whatever tools he can to discredit you to yourself and to others.  The fewer opportunities you give him, the less effective he will be in neutralizing you.

Think you are not one of them?  Well, maybe not, but I see so many of them daily that you might want to rethink how much time you spend in front of the mirror, in exercising, and in all of the other activities in which you are pandering to yourself.  Sorry, that is not what God called you to.  Conversely, how have you created within yourself a creature no one wants to be around?  Yeah, God did not call you to that either.

Attention all Narcissus – get over yourself and get involved in life and what God has called you to!  Do not give Satan the victory through your lack of ministry!

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