Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The patient was bloated.  It was amazing he could even move his legs, they were so large.  He struggled to breathe.  It was obvious he wanted to move, to go somewhere, but once in the chair – he was no longer able to do so.

I am not the kind of person to say something like, “Don’t you think you would be in better shape if you lost a little of that?”  No, he was looking right at me, challenging me to say anything at all.  I am not likely to, heck I could use losing a few pounds myself.  But, it was obvious he was in pain, he knew he was in pain, he knew why he was in pain, he even knew what it was he should be doing to eliminate the pain – but he was not able to.  I am not really sure he wanted to change.

Is it will power, laziness or a desire to maintain the status quo?  I do not have the answer to his problem but I do know how he got there and where he will be if he does not change.

This is how I am suddenly seeing the Church.  Your church, my church, every church I have visited in the past several years.  It is how I am seeing Christians corporately.  Oh,  individually there are many fine churches to be found, but grouped together – it is as though their brains are consumed with the political correctness of this apostate age.

I am extremely concerned when I see deception being used in the pulpit to further the goals of the church.  I am concerned when the eldership can not discern the similarity between deception and lying.  (Hint: they are the SAME!)  Especially when it is their own goals which are being supported!  I am concerned when there is no attempt to validate that elder candidates meet any of the qualifications as are found in Timothy and Peter.  I am concerned when a church will have elders whom are KNOWN to be living in sin (and not privately either!).  I am concerned at a church which will not take a stand on Christian values because it might “drive the lost away”.

They no longer represent God; they are apostate.  Think about this!

The Roman Empire was far more immoral than this Western Culture has ever dreamt of being - yet.  Heavens, when was the last time you heard of the President’s wife going down to the Naval yards and seeing how many men she could “do” in a single day?  On a bet even!  This rather well documented act was not even the lowest debasement of the Roman culture!  And in the midst of unbelievable sin, the first century Church responded by demonstrating their love for one another and the world. 

They offered a lifestyle completely alien to the culture they were surrounded by.  Christian women no longer stood naked on the street corners during Lupricus - desiring to be whipped with the sacred dog skin whip, by the naked men of their village (and following frivolity).  Women no longer offered themselves on the altars of the temple as a form of worship to their god – and the men did not go to church any longer for sex.  Daughters “first night” was no longer sold as a lottery item, by the father or the church, to the men of the village.  Fathers no longer took the option of denying their fatherhood.  Women suddenly found equality never offered before.  Slaves were now equal with their masters.  You no longer sought your own good; you looked out for your brothers and sisters in the faith.

And the Roman observer was stunned.  All of this, was unheard of. 

Today, the church does not even understand the impact of what a rigid stand for Christ can have.  When we get rigid it is for the wrong reasons; it is to show our own stupidity.  Telling people they are going to Hell for anything other than their refusal to accept Christ’s payment – is to lie to them and ourselves.  Pure and simple.  And if you have accepted that payment, then Christ can and will change your life so that the sin of the world is no longer your driving force.

I am bothered by a church which is willing to condemn “assisted” suicide or abortion – and not willing to offer alternatives to those seeking it.  Christian rest homes, care facilities, birthing centers and/or adoption agencies – would negate these discussions in the world.  Other than to say, “Come to us…”

I am bothered when the church takes black eyes for standing against homosexual marriages.  The church should not even be involved in the world’s understanding of what a marriage is.  You want a worldly union – go see the judge or clerk.  You want to have a marriage, the concept that God came up with, come see the church.

I am really bothered when I see a pastor stop in a sermon and say, “Oh, I have to change that thought, I can not discuss politics from the pulpit!”  That is only true if you want to maintain a tax free status.  So dump your tax free status and start preaching for God and not man!  God ordained the church – not the government!  And then turn on those politicians whom will not set this right!

Companies tell you that you can not have your religion and work there too or what you have to accept as normal!  Well guess whom you and yours should be boycotting and praying for!  This stupidity of thinking you can dance with the world and still serve God has never been true and will never work.  Sorry, history does not support you if you want to think that way!  Imagine if someone might think you a fanatic for actually taking a stand against sin – by offering to help those trapped in its grip, rather than condemn!

Yeah, guess I am the apostate now for even thinking this way….

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