Monday, November 24, 2008

Conspicuous Consumption

I always find it very bothersome to my soul when I see the distance between the “have” and the “have-nots”.  Mexico is a country with a tiny middle class, a very large population close to poverty and a small “elite” group.

Where I was in Puerto Vallarta, people told me that their wages ran from $8.00 to $13.00 per day.  You caught that, didn’t you?  That is a daily income level!

By working an entire day they would not even be able to afford a 150 peso box of Imodium!  That would be more than they earned for the entire day!  Yeah, you really do not want to get sick if that is all you make.

Then again, I am thinking of dining out.  Meals were even a little on the high side for the US.  They were good, but not exciting; however the cost was not in line with the value of what was received.  More so, when I discovered how little the workers made.  More so when I realize that there was almost no way a local would afford to even have a sandwich in a run of the mill place.

As I viewed the various stores, again the same opinions formed in my brain.  You could not work here and afford even a pair of shoes!  So where do the locals shop?  Asking around again – Mexico City! 

Yeah the average worker hops a bus to Mexico City for an all day trip to stock up on household, clothing and food items to bring back home.  Why?  Well, prices are about half in Mexico City, if not less, in the examples they gave me.

Conspicuous consumption is never appreciated by those whom are being short changed on their wages at the benefit of their employers.  But, what can you do?  You can tip extraordinary for the benefit of the serve provider.  You can visit the local orphanages and donate extra dollars towards their support.  You can be compassionate towards those whom are disabled.  You can also question how you should be spending your money – both at home and abroad….

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