Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ruling Your World

Do you ever get a song stuck in your head and it just will not go away?  I have had the same song cycling through my brain now for several months and have thought on writing something about it often.  The song?  Everybody Wants To Rule The World.

The song is of course performed by, Tears For Fears.  The words display a worldly understanding of life, but still very appropriate to the human condition.  I first heard this song as the trailer to, Real Genius – sort of embarrassing to admit I have even seen this movie, but it still brings laughter to my lips just thinking about.  Guess whom I would have been in the movie….  Ha-ha.

Anyway, back to the song.

The song talks about how we fight to have our own way in life and how we should ‘make the most of freedom and of pleasure’.  And yet, I know this is politically incorrect, man was not born for freedom nor to serve pleasure.  Man was created to serve his Creator.  Of course, man has the choice to serve or not to serve.  But, no matter which choice you make you in life, you will either end up in servitude to God and His freedom, or Satan and slavery to the world system.  Your choice.

The young men whom did this song are so very talented and so very mislead.  It always saddens me when I observe such talent and know they are not a part of the family of God.  Imagine such talent serving God.  Oh yes, there are many Christian writers and performers – and how many of them could pass the Kris lyrics test?  An extremely small number!  Yet, Tears For Fears, was able to capture the heart of the natural man in this song.  Outside of some Newsboys’ numbers or really old Sheila Walsh, I have not observed much in the way of capturing the spirit of the Christian experience by Christian songwriters.  See the inequality here?

Anyway, back to the song.

What is it we do to control the environment around us?  Your choice of friends, your family, your schools, your jobs, etc.  Oh sure, you can complain that you are stuck with your family, your school, your job, etc – but that is not necessarily so, you have choices - you have the ability to make or not to make as to what or whom will influence you.  Not making a choice is still a choice!  You get the point, we exert a tremendous amount of choice in whom is around us and what we do.  And yet, are we serving God in all of this?  Is God just a convenience for when we need Him or do we allow him to Rule Our World?

It is an interesting question or thought.  What can you do to step out of the control box of your life and let God run the show for you?

I know for me, it is admitting I am incapable of the task in just about any aspect of my life - and relying on God – a lesson which continually must be hammered into me.

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