Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday School

It is interesting being back to teaching after a year away.  As expected my 40 kids have scattered, so I will have to be on the phone this week and see who can be encouraged to come back to class.

I have Middle Daughter as the only female in the class with nine guys.  A ratio I know she is most comfortable with!  Interestingly, I have two young adult males coming because they do not like the young adults class.  I am a little wary of this but since KJ is one of them, I am not worried about the other one attempting to prey upon her!

I used the video on the Invisible Children of Uganda and discussed missions, why we do it and what is the prize and price.  (See earlier posting, if you are interested in knowing more.)

You want to talk about an uncomfortable group of youth?  It had an immediate and uncomfortable reaction with them!  One young man (pastor’s youngest) asked about a dozen questions – the rest were all ears.  But they were so uncomfortable!

It is good when you can catch the rascals off guard and get through to them.  Their discomfort is exactly the seed God can and will use in the future to either reach them for Him or deploy them in the field.  More “Missionaries in a foreign field…”  (If you remember an earlier post and wondered about the reference…)

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