Saturday, October 11, 2008

Shades of Maranatha

Saturday, I got a call from Dutchman asking if I wanted to come by for a visit that evening at his church.  I debated this for several hours with myself – six hours each way by car and I had to teach Sunday School – it would be inconvenient at best…  But, he does not ask something often, nor without reason.

No child wanted to go with me, so I fired up GG’s car – you can not just let a car sit around, it needs to be driven occasionally.  Right?  And headed north.  It was a pleasant drive and as evening approached the sunset was gorgeous!  And even with virtual race car, I was still late.

The church was dark but open, so I followed the sounds of music down into the basement.  About eighty people sat listening to a wonderfully female voice, backed up by 8 others.  She was great!  And the mini concert took a break at that point.

I visited with Dutchman, his wife, youngest son, his mother was there (always good to see her!), and many people I had met at Dutchman’s New Year’s party last year.  His banker you might remember was one of my girls back when I was a youth pastor and so it was fun to see her and meet her 10 year old daughter.  So very fun time.

Then they started singing again.  And I was transported back in time…..

I had almost all but forgotten that back in 1973-1975 Dutchman and I had been part of a musical group that went around coffee houses and played at schools on Friday nights.  You have to remember that back then everyone was paranoid over the disappearances of young women and so we had come up with the idea of safe entertainment for kids on Fridays.  We provided the music, we did some witnessing, youth could come and spend a safe evening.

We had one guitar, a guy would could play a piano (if there was one around) and the Maranatha song book.  We had a really great time and I think youth that came did as well.  But, things change and by the end of 1975 attendance had fallen off, so it was time to try other ideas to get youth engaged…

Saturday, as I sat listening the songs came flooding back to my mind from this musical past.  Dutchman had started up the same ministry we had over 30 years ago, and not a bad turn out either!  I found myself singing along with the band – one of the extremely few times I have sung since 1975.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Though utterly exhausted I made it back in time to get my kids to church.

So, I have thought on this for many hours, is it time to dust off the Maranatha song book and see what happens at my church and in my area?  Something to be praying over.


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