Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pope Benedict XVI

"Perhaps reluctantly we come to acknowledge that there are also scars which mark the surface of our Earth: erosion, deforestation, the squandering of the world's mineral and ocean resources in order to fuel an insatiable consumption."

"I ask myself, could anyone standing face to face with people who acutely do suffer violence and sexual exploitation `explain' that these tragedies, portrayed in virtual form, are considered merely `entertainment?'"

"If God is irrelevant to public life, then society will be shaped in a godless image, and debate and policy concerning the public good will be driven more by consequences than by principles grounded in truth."

It was Thursday, in Australia, when the Pope made these interesting remarks.  Interesting because seeds of truth are there to be found, condemning all of us.  Mind  you, I am not a lover of this Pope – his past is very hard for this post war German to “get over”.  Had he of been a champion of the Christian cause during the war and in the Nazi’s face – as was the last Pope – I would love him.  However, that is not true.

That is not to say I am anti-Catholic, some of the strongest Christians I have known were Catholic, even good ones.  I am just uncomfortable with this Pope and so take any sound coming from him with a grain of salt…

But, these are three really good lines!  Because they state the problem of the “Americanization” of western culture.  Not knocking Americans here, but the impact of the Hollywood and America has been immense upon changing the world’s values over the past thirty years.

The rich have always been materialistic, spending money on themselves seems to be one of the few universal hobbies.  However, it was the extravagance of the Church in the previous 1,500 years which leaves all tourists breathless in Europe.  A Church so consumed with consumption that food was literally taken from those whom would have none – to feed the bellies of the monasteries and convents – even at the point of the sword if need be!  The only Plattner I have ever heard of whom made a name for himself faced just this situation in the early 16th century and took all comers at his potato field with a hoe.  He was even part of complaint filed by the local bishops because they wanted his potatoes and he flat refused to feed the church before his family! 

Imagine the shame of something like that in print…

Pornography, soft/hard/whatever, is a sickness in our world.  Sure I can point to times when there was far worse, but I can point to time more recent when this was not so.  I have had to council too many sexual felons to not know the truth behind how they got the way they are.  Even they know it.  I had a close friend whom was a Ted Bundy victim.  And many more whom have suffered assault to “satisfy” sexual fantasy.  Yet, this western culture refuses to hold those responsible for the exploitation of women and child.  In Kris’ perfect world, these people would all be dead.  Kris would even provide the bullets and the finger to pull the trigger.  I am fairly sure my conscious would not suffer a moment from removing these from the culture.  (Of course, I would offer them a chance to repent…  But, with or without repentance, justice would prevail.)  That is how resolute I am towards the flesh mongers of this society.

Having two members of my family in the “entertainment” industry, I can share with you that I viewed as a prude because I find it inexcusable for my female cousin to “pretend” and show her body to anyone and everyone.  I find it inexcusable for an uncle, a “gentleman” and “family man” to find pretending to have sex with her to be no big deal, it is only entertainment after all!  “Ok, so  you are in bed with your distant niece, pretending to have sex with her and your wife is ok with that?”  “She has nothing to say about my art!”  You hypocrite!

The lack of morality of this generation of Christians has indeed caused a vacuum to form.  If we will not stand for something, then the world will.  Our absence of having a standard and allowing ourselves, as well as our families to view such is what has fuelled it continuance!  Are we so self centered that we can no longer consider the harm caused to others, much less our youth, when this form of entertainment is accepted!

We have willingly allowed the basis form of religion to hold sway over us.  One of self aggrandizement, self satisfaction and the debasement of all others.

How will God ever judge us?

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