Monday, July 28, 2008

Imitation of Life

Imitation of Life
So many things are so weird these days.

People say one thing and completely mean something different.  Products make claims and yet the opposite is so often reality.  TV shows need laugh tracks because, hey, they are not in the least funny or the producers think we are too stupid to recognize humor.  Nothing in life seems to be as it should or was.

I witnessed the most interesting conflict the other night.  In a grocery store, two strangers got into a fight over whether an organic banana was really organic or not.  Since exportation of bananas requires spraying to kill tarantulas, I think we can definitely say no banana is “organic”.  Unless, you have been bitten lately reaching for one.  Yah, we are talking about poisonous tarantulas here.

We can not even agree on what organic means.  To the producers, whom want to charge more from a niche market, it means whatever they can get away with.  To the consumer, it could mean almost anything – as these two shoppers demonstrated.

Which brings me to this little item I saw in Seattle, Vegetarian Haggis!  Now, I happen to like haggis.  To those of you going, euwey!, try to remember haggis is nothing more than lamb sausage.  Maybe not as ground up as your average hotdog but contents are probably about the same.

So, how can you have this?  It contains no animal products at all, and yet haggis is completely based on lamb and oatmeal.  No, I am not going to buy this much less open it to find out what it looks like.  I am having visions of tofu poisoning…..

Artificial is what our society has become.  Even something which has had a definition for hundreds, if not thousands of years, is now classified as a vegetable product because it has been stripped of all meat products.  

Organic may only mean processed without salt any more!  Humor is whatever is loathsome and crude – the ruder the better.

I feel sorry for the youth of today - everything is artificial.  I wonder what will become of marriage, commitment, love?  There is no need for marriage because that is ‘old fashioned’, the way the prior generations have proven does not work.  Without marriage there is no need for commitment and even if you do get married, well that seems to mean very little to the wandering zipper.  And what of love?  Sex has definitely already replaced that one!  Infatuation is now the highest form or love – for as long as it lasts.

Reality replaced with nothing.  Everything is artificial.  This generation is lost and only imitating life…

Tofu and Neeps anyone?

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