Friday, November 23, 2007

Importance of Christian Marriage

Several years ago, I had an opportunity I could not say no to – a free flight for four anywhere in the world!  All I had to do was pre-arrange my ground reservations of my choice.  Now my grandmother had always dreamt of visiting the orient and this was probably her only chance of ever getting there.  So, she jumped at the opportunity!  I called up a travel office, reserved hotel rooms for everyone and booked those four seats to Hong Kong.

Grandmother was absolutely beside herself having finally attained a goal she never thought could happen.  To say she was a little too excited is say the Alps are hills!

There are great shops in Hong Kong, great buys everywhere – but the food we had was simply outstanding!  Kelly’s Outback had some of the finest steak I have ever eaten, small restaurants with dim sum to die for, everywhere Chinese food which made you never want to return home again, and strangely enough, a French restaurant.  Yeah, in the middle of Kowloon, there was a French restaurant!

Being gamblers at heart, we settled down in an eerily empty restaurant, under a dim lamp which only made it slightly easier to find your plate on the table.  Behind us hovered a waiter and a bus boy for each person at the table.  It was down right freaky!

I ordered what looked like it would be a good test of the chef’s skills, as did the rest of the group, but grandmother, well, she had to have fish and chips – cooked in an English manner mind you!  As we munched on a superb salad, she was getting hot sauce squirted all over an ice cream sundae.  Yeah, she was having a grand time.

Three hours later, as we left praising the abilities of an incredible chef, grandmother was grumbling that the chips had been oily and the sundae had upset her stomach.

Okay, okay, yes, we are dealing with a simile here, though true none the less!

There was nothing wrong with the meal grandmother had, but it could have been better (she has always hated oil!).  And that is exactly how the Christian life is.  If you want life on your terms, well, you have to expect things to perhaps not be quite what they could have been.  No matter how good your choice is by the world’s standard!

Just because you have a Christian marriage is no guarantee it will last or be happy – heavens, people are involved!  It is just harder to maintain a loving relationship without God as the basis of your marriage.

So using my little story above, you can see that grandmother would have been much happier with a French meal in a French restaurant.  But, she had to have things her own way and so did not have near the experience she could have had.  Yet she still grumbled, even though she got exactly what she wanted.  She was fed, which was the goal after all.

So, it is with marriage. 

Paul encourages us to remain single, and if we are to marry, then we are to marry within the faith.  How come?  Well, if you are single, you are free to minister as the Spirit leads, but if you marry, you have someone else’s desires to consider (maybe they do not feel called to Uganda like you!).  Married, you can pray together, fellowship together, worship together and share a ministry together.  When you are both Spirit filled, you are of similar mind, on most things.  If you are of a similar mind, fighting is limited and divorce becomes less likely.

Naturally, I have had tons of family, friends and youth in my life whom have done what I call, ‘missionary dating’, where you just go find what you like and pursue them until they become Christian.  So, ‘now’ it is ‘okay’ to marry them?  It is a little dicey to do things this way and many are the hours spent with teary eyed young ladies whom found things just did not quite work the way they thought they should have.

A few have even married non Christians, having convinced themselves their love interest really was a Christian – but learning the hard truth later on. 

Some did marry a non Christian because they were in ‘love’.  And in this case, as Christians, they only have one job – to use their life as a witness to their spouse, so that they can see God.  Talk about a life long hard sell!  I know so many Christian women this is true of, they have a really unique perspective on non Christian marriage because their husbands are not Christian even after decades of marriage and it is breaking their hearts.  Many of those husbands are the most moral men I have ever known; I wish Christian men were just 90% of what some of them are – I wish I was!  My sister also married a non Christian, and really is not at a point in her life where she cares one way or the other (he is a great guy too!).

In the end, it is always easier to travel the road that God lays out for you, than to take your own short cuts.  Those short cuts can cause an awful lot of pain and tears that never were meant to be shed.  But, God does have rules that even He follows.

So, how does one ‘travel the road’ and let God do the leading?  After all, you can not even assume that a spouse is what God has intended for you.  And if there is to be a spouse how will you find and know them!  You know God might misunderstand your heart’s desire and not have that blond sun god in mind for you, but rather an accountant named Nermal, broken glasses and all.  Or, you might be 40 before you ever meet your spouse.

In the area of relationships and marriage it boils down to two items:

First, live your life.  Go where God presents opportunity, even if it sometimes does not make sense.  Do what you should be doing: go to church, study, teach, fellowship and work.

Second, prepare for your future.  Study your Bible and learn to understand what it says and why.  Then make what you have learned a living part of your life.  Consider the letters of John and contemplate on what they mean in your life.  For women, I like to add the Book of Ruth.

So from your perspective, can you see how currently you have opportunities to witness through word and deed to all around you?  Not on a soap box but by being a real person to those around you.  You can learn to be the best child-friend-student-employee you can be (helpful and not growl-ly), you have the opportunity to prepare for your life in a very real way by learning about household chores and how to do them best.  Take the time to learn how to cook well, about budgeting and bargain hunting.  Consider tracking recipes and portion costs.  Think about learning as much first aid as possible.  These are skills that will last you your lifetime.

Yes, these may sound like the typical ‘girl, know your place’ kind of stuff – but these are the exact things I tell guys!  If you are a youth reading this, God has given you an opportunity to learn, almost pain free, how to run your future life as best you can – if you will take the time to learn those lessons.  I have even taught young men how to darn socks and iron!  It is a skill they may need one day.

Notice how I have not said a thing about spouses?  That is right, not a word about spouse hunting.  If you have done step two above and prepared yourself for life and you are following step one, well, opportunities may or may not present themselves to get to know someone special.  And with any luck, he/she have been doing just the same as you and waiting on the Lord. 

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