Monday, December 8, 2008


This post is in answer to an eMail, which I felt would be of interest to several of you.  The writer wondered about my lack of really funny stories from Mexico.  There were several strange situations, in fact Dutchman again commented that were it not for bad luck – I would have no luck at all!

And, the writer pointed out I had made no comment concerning females.  No, my lack of comment did not have to do with Gaelic Girl being there.

In fact, GG (by God’s providence) saved me from almost certain difficulty to say the least.  To keep it simple: if one were to hunt divorced or widowed women of any age, Puerto Vallarta would be your venue.  If you were looking for young wishing to marry, again PV would be your choice.  If you found silicon to be more interesting than the woman inside, well again PV is it.  If you were looking to play, while the cat was away, yep, PV again.  Things were a little loose and opportunity abounded.

Try to remember this is a general summation not a specific observation… Now to address the issue and not quite what you were expecting: 

There are many kinds of poverty.  I wrote of the financial poverty I saw in Puerto Vallarta and made reference to the physical poverty I observed as well.  Those are not the point of this post – spiritual poverty is.

1 Corinthians 4:7 lays out an interesting comment at how the Corinthians considered themselves rich, when in fact they were very poor.  They suffered from spiritual poverty and I guess I never got the impact of this statement prior to this trip.

Roman Catholicism is the basic faith of the population.  There are signs that it is not just for show.  So, I would expect them to be rich in their faith!  But, just as they are physically poor – so is their spiritual state.

How can I say this?

Why would senoritas be parading themselves for the “gringos”, lest they sought hope out of their plight?  No these were not “hookers”.  Why would so many young women be with/have children and obviously living in lonesome poverty, unless they made poor spiritual choices?  Why would abortion be an issue here, outside of those young women hoping to forget a mistake?  How desperate must a young woman be to try and leap at the first Swiss beluga they have ever seen?

No not every young woman was on the make but enough were.  I am more than a bit concerned for the youth of this region, especially for the young women.  In fact my heart weeps for one young lady I met – fair and smart, yet with no ability to see that she is not the exception to what has happened to all around her…..

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven….  Albeit with the misery of their lives before them.

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