Monday, October 19, 2009

Skeptic and Angels

I am the ultimate skeptic. I hear something that sounds too good to be true in a sermon – I go and research it (occasionally I am wrong…). I hear some fanciful claim about anything to do with the demonic or the spirit world – I dig until I find the truth. My kids tell me they are going to do something – whatever…been there done that a few thousand times…

So, when I stumbled up on this picture in Blog-land, I had to run it down:

Said to be a photo of a protecting angel during a mass, I have to wonder why angels suddenly look for the entire world like Tinker Bell! So here is Tinker Bell isolated and enlarged:

Still looks like Tinker Bell to me.

At first I thought this might be a double exposure but I finally gave up on that idea. I thought perhaps a Photoshop element, but could not find moiré nor other amateurish mistakes. All one can really say is that there is a streak from the upper window that does not form a straight line, nor does the light beam expand as one would expect – perhaps this is a clue to this being a manufactured item? If that is the clue, it is a pretty silly mistake they created! Or another possibility is that when this is reduced to a negative format, the light sheen on the heads of the men can be clearly seen and the light is not consistent nor always in the appropriate place. Again a silly mistake.

In the end you still have two possibilities – it is real or it is Photoshop. If it is real then why would an angel appear looking like Tinkle Bell? Angels are messengers, not fairies. No where does an angel appear in my Bible translation where the humans are not flat on their faces from terror!

However, it could be real and I would point you to the “miracles” of El Zeitoun in Egypt. But, there we would be discussing the demonic – not the godly…..

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