Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Lookie-lookie, Hollywood has given the world another attempt to make fun of Christianity and Americans as well.  Religulous is the movie’s idea of “religion – ridiculous”.

Truthfully, I am not surprised.  If you are a Christian, in America. you are probably not even aware that Christians in other countries may not even consider you their brother or sister in the Lord.  That is because American Christianity has suffered a watering down of belief that is appalling to us foreign believers; that would be on top of all of the black eyes the ministers of this cultic belief set have given all true believers under the public scrutiny wanting to discredit God.  Of course, the departure from Christianity by what the world sees of the American Christians is what gives the comedians of this movie all the material they will ever need.  No doubt Jews will suffer a severe slamming as well. After all, they are God’s chosen, so they will always be the world’s victim – for now.  This is all politically acceptable after all.  Anyone want to hand out tracks at the movie fronts?

It is to the credit of African Christians whom I have spent hours with their missionaries to America.  Did you know they even exist?  Quietly working to draw people back to the Lord out of the worldliness of American belief?  Yeah.  Or missionaries from Peru and Chile, all working in the Latino fields of North America, leading their people back to the Lord.  Oh yeah!  Switzerland could probably use a few workers as well.  We have many believers - but 90% of my country are still trapped by pope-ish doctrine and need to be find their real freedom in Jesus alone.  How is that for being political incorrect?

We are our own worst enemies, when we accept deviation from Biblical based belief and then allow cult of personality into our midst….  Welcome to the apostate church.  Will anyone even care?  Or will “believers” go for the laughs the movie will provide?  If you liked the Passion of Christ, you may as well attend this movie, it too embarrasses the same God, in that His children are so lacking in discernment of the LIE.

Original article that set me off can be found here:;_ylt=A0WTUfGD08ZIdXsACg9vaA8F

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