Monday, August 27, 2007


Troubled Daughter brought up an interesting situation:  Older Daughter wants her to participate in the wedding, but TD thinks that since what OD is doing is an affront to God – she should not support her in this wedding by being a part of it.

It is an interesting problem.  How to explain to a teenager that yes, God has said everything OD has done is wrong (and she knew better) – but it is our ministry to show her compassion and love in order to draw her back to HIM.

To which, TD countered with, in Biblical times she would have been stoned to death and we would not have to have this discussion.  ACK!

Finally, many hours later, we agreed she would not have to be a part of the ceremony, but still has to respect and pray for her older sister.  (yes she will be checked for rocks at the door…)

For those not around in September, OD has done nothing TD had not already done!  So a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?

My family has responded poorly to the pending wedding.  I have received so many emails from family members telling me how it is so inappropriate for her to wear white.  Or how she should wear black.  Or how embarrassing it is to the family that a pregnant daughter would walk the aisle.  How I am throwing away my money by helping her with this charade, etc, etc, etc…

Yet whom in my family can toss the first stone?  Not a one of them is not guilty of more egregious marital or hormonal situations. 

Then there are those whom are angered by the hypocrisy, and yet they feel their own opinions are valid, when in fact they are just as guilty as OD for the same situations!

Net result – no one in my family will be in attendance, save for me and her siblings.

And yet, all of my personal close friends will be there – as each has said, “To support me, in troubling times….”  Is it not strange that my friends are more in line with reason than my own family?  When you consider the hours of travel for them to gather here, for a 30 minute ceremony, it awes me.

This pending wedding has brought about a most interesting study in the human condition!

Keep us in your prayers as we struggle through this week…

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