Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Our Home Is Not This Earth

I seem to have constant entanglements with other believers over the question as to whether or not Christians should be involved in politics or not.  These arguments come from those under the influence of American thought in particular.  Many of them would believe it is the calling of the Church to work towards the Christian Utopian Paradise – without Christ physically being here.  In many ways the same problem which arose during the Reformation and lead to many conflicts between Reformed groups and the cultures which surrounded them.

If you remember, you are called a stranger in a strange land – that means you are not a part of the land you are in!  You fit in about as well as someone from Brooklyn in downtown Kemerova – a place where you do not speak the language, do not know the customs, plus you look and smell different!  You might be slightly interesting because you are different but that would be the end of the attraction and commonality.

You are also called an ambassador.  Have you ever known an ambassador?  I have and they are often in very difficult situations.  They may be personal friends with those whom they work with but their job is to represent their country of origin to the country they are in.  So, you might be an American Ambassador to Germany – where culture is not so difficult, food is good, language is manageable and you will rarely slam into a real battle of the wills with those whom you work with.  On the other hand, you could be posted to Chad, where you are considered just one more problem and your diplomatic immunity may well not stop you from being killed.

How fitting both of these descriptions are of our condition as a Christian here on Earth!  We are no longer to be a part of the culture or people we once lived in.  We have a new belief and hope, which is not understandable to the native population blinded by their sin nature.  We truly become strangers and alien to even the thought processes used by those around us.

We are representatives of Jesus, the Christ, the one whom is the ruler of all but still unknown or acknowledged by most.  As His Ambassadors, we are to represent His desires to the world, the place we have been sent, to the culture around us.  His desire is first our own fallen natures and maturity, then those around us to recognize Him and hence brought to their salvation.  This is accomplished through our being the least amongst men, as He was, a servant to all.  That means you not serving yourself nor your own desires.  It also means those around you may not appreciate you, or whom you represent.  Of course, how you represent Him, is completely at the discretion of Him – but the goal remains the same –changed lives – not cultural change, that will come with the changed lives….

When as Christians, we lose sight of our condition and our assignment; problems are caused to the body of Christ – some of which are very hard to live down.

If ever there was a prime example as to how true the above is, here it is:
How much more mislead could Christian and Catholic Church leaders have been?  Yes, you could with validity argue that those on this platform saluting Hitler were pressured into doing so.  But, equally, you could argue there is no leadership, discernment, nor wisdom displayed here!  With obviously no Gifts of the Spirit being present, could there have been any Fruits of the Spirit in this environment? 

Then, is it any wonder in the years to follow that Europe would abandon the false church which faced them?  And yet, I see no more wisdom displayed by today’s “christian” leaders, than these mislead men …..

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