Friday, August 27, 2010

Death of the Dinosaurs

You will have to admit that this tongue-in-cheek explanation for the Death of the Dinosaurs, is pretty funny.  But, it is also very sad - because it exposes the desperation of the American Christians to explain everything - no matter how stupid the explanation.  Sorry no mercy if you are dumber than a stump and will listen, without verifying what you are told in life.

Obviously, dinosaurs did not have shovels, just as obviously there was no shortage of food supplies at the time of the mass extinction - just think today's coal supplies for your own verification of that statement.

Gaelic Girl is a Christian structural geologist by training and hence, a Creationist Scientist.  Her older brother is also a structural geologist by training and a scientist of some note - albeit atheist.  So, when he invited her out to Ottawa at one point she did not know she was being set up to give a presentation on how structual geology supports a creationist viewpoint - to a hostile room full of atheist scientists like him!

Yeah, she wowed the crowd.

Conversely, I saw her once in action against a certain promenent Christian speaker on creationist science and utter destroy the man and his arguments!  And then show you do not have to disagree with an atheist scientist to show his views are not science but faith.

Yeah, she wowed the crowd.

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