Sunday, September 13, 2009


I was thinking about fads the other day.  I was stopped at a light watching youth, unable to pull their pants up, walk across the road in front of me.  It just cracks me up – all of the little “gangstas” wanting to identify with losers in southern California!  (It really is a problem!)  Guess I just do not understand the “cool” of airing your whitey tighties.

Well, back in my day…..

It was 1969 and my first year of American school, in South Carolina, of all places.  The hot item for being “cool” then was to have a bracelet with your initials engraved on it.  “Everyone” had one, “everyone” wanted one, “everyone” had to have one!

“Everyone” that is, except for me and a young lady named, Linda Sue Dorsey.  Yeah, 1969 was a bad year to have the initials of LSD and wanting the all powerfully cool, initials bracelet.

Reason I even remember this is how devastated she was because the company had sent back her money and told her they would not do a bracelet with those initials.  How the tears flowed down those young cheeks.

Back to today and our belt challenged youth, how devastated would they be if they had to pull up their pants because they are not Californians?  Can you just see these young men sobbing and crying because they have to pull their panties up?  Oh heavens, how I laughed at the thought of this!  Of course, they thought I was laughing at them and each offered to show me some of their fingers…  Being young can be so hysterically traumatic.

As for Linda Sue Dorsey, I wonder what ever happened to her.  Did she ever get her bracelet?  Or become an ax murderer, from having been denied her all important bracelet!  Hmmm, a damaged ID from having no id bracelet….hee, hee, hee!

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